NJC Nimadi Crafts MSME

"Nimad Art and Cultural Development Welfare Society (NJC)" Multi Products Cluster

Empowering Artisans, Enriching Communities.

Empowering artisans and enriching communities lie at the heart of our mission. Through sustainable practices and fair trade principles, we support local craftsmen, fostering economic growth, preserving cultural heritage, and building resilient communities.

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Trusted by over 7000 + people, Worldwide. Since 2005.

Riya Agarwal

Absolutely blown away by the craftsmanship and attention to detail! Each piece tells its own story, and I’m thrilled to have them in my home. Highly recommend!

Our Artisans, Our Pride

Our Artisans

Crafting excellence, our artisans embody pride through their skillful hands and timeless creations.

Behind the Scenes: Crafting Beauty with Every Stitch! ✨🎨

Step into our workshop and witness the magic unfold as our artisans pour their hearts into creating exquisite pieces that celebrate the timeless art of craftsmanship. From the gentle rhythm of weaving...

Artisans Training 2024

2024 marks a year of renewed commitment to artisan empowerment at NJC. It’s been an inspiring journey of creativity, learning, and skill-building, and we couldn’t be prouder of our...

Empowering Artisans through Skill Training

We believe in the transformative power of education and skill development. That’s why we’re dedicated to providing comprehensive training programs to empower artisans and equip them with...

Creating a positive impact

Our artisans: weaving stories into threads, sculpting dreams into reality, and crafting pride in every masterpiece.

Contribute to a sustainable future

Firm Focus: Stay in the Loop with Our Latest Updates!"

Prasoon to organize an exhibition for NJC Jute Craft Cluster Khandwa

Prasoon to organize an exhibition for NJC Jute Craft Cluster Khandwa...

NJC Team to build mobile app

We’re thrilled to unveil our latest innovation tailored exclusively for the NJC community: the NJC Jute Products App! Dive into a world of eco-friendly elegance and discover a curated collection...

NJC Nimadi Crafts shipping available all over India now !!!

NJC Nimadi Crafts shipping available all over India now !!!...
Features & Benefits



crafted by hands, loved forever

NJC Products

From the hands of our artisans emerge products that transcend utility, embodying pride in every stitch, every brushstroke

New Wall decors loaded

Checkout the exclusive jute decors at NJC Nimadi Crafts...

Wall Decor

NJC Wall Decors for your perfect home...



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